Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Consignment Treasures.

Monday, Ashtyn and I hit up some antique stores on Newport Ave. in Ocean Beach. We also went to a darling little consignment store. Here's what I found.
Seriously cutest purse of my life!
Love the blazer.
Of course I had to add my own touch. The vintage button. Man do I love them!


Busy Bee Lauren said...

That really is the cutest purse ever. I want to see what you pair the blazer with!

The Clarks said...

It really is the cutest purse ever! Wish I would of saw it first :)

Heidi said...

I want you to teach me how to make skirts! They're ADORABLE!

Brooks Family ♥ said...

Hey! What editing software do you use?

simplyshye said...

LoVE loVE thAT puRSE --- ThiNK I ShaLL makE One for ME-SELf ;-)