Monday, July 20, 2009


Freedom from this wretched apartment. I AM WELL AGAIN! Not feeling 100% but I was able to get showered, do the hair and makeup, even put some heels on to join my honey for lunch. It feels great to know that I will be able to go grocery shopping today for the first time in weeks! (Never thought I would say that!) I am also well enough to start the diet I've been so excited to start (never thought I'd say that either, what's the world coming to?) Anyone done the HCG diet? If you have, I would love positive feedback. No negative please, I'm wanting to stay motivated here! Hope you all had a great weekend!
Proof I am still living!


ConnieB said...

yay! "peace out.. maybe forever" lol! Glad you're feeling better!


ya i did it. i did not loose alot of weight it is just hard to only eat what they say sorry

Brooks Family ♥ said...

Yes I am so glad you are feeling better! I love lunch dates with the husband! isn't it amazing?

Ian and Kristen said...

I did it... it works amazing as long as you stick to it and DON'T CHEAT! You definitely pay for it when you cheat. Just stick to the rules and you will lost like a pound a day! Good luck!

R said...

Bree I feel like I've fallen off the world too! I soo didn't know you were sick! Ok so did you suck down 10 theraflu packets? Those make me gag so bad. I hope you are in ship shape super fast!!! ps I'm still totally going to do that 'things you don't know about me blog' but I can't think of things FOR THE LIFE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty sure you and Britt know. it. all.

R said...

pps I saw you are a freaking fashion icon on Lauren's blog! All I can say is YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whitney said...

My mom did it and lost 16 pounds and has since kept it off. The first couple of weeks are tough. Just be ready for that. But nothing you cant handle!! You are going to do great... even though you look fab and dont need to lose any weight.

CB said...

Bree so glad you are feeling better! Get out and enjoy that sunshine :D

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I don't even know what that diet is, so I don't have any pearls of wisdom. You don't need to lose weight look awesome!

I love when Ted meets me for lunch :)

Ise, Chels, & Graham said...

Hey Bree!! It works if you don't cheat!!! Jaymie, Uncle Clyde's wife did it and lost 25lbs. (she did the 40 day one, and is now on maintenance). As much as you don't want HAVE TO do the 2 loading days! My mom and sister did the 21 day one and both did pretty good. My mom lost 17 and my sis lost 25 (they are both on maint. now too) So if you don't works! It's hard...but it works!!

simplyshye said...

Yep !! It Works - I LOST ;-)
If I CAn CatER and DO WedDing CAkes and CupCAKes in a JAr During the FirST 21 ( I OnLY Did 21 )
... - You CAn SOOO Do iT ! It'S More A MenTAL thing than anything - CauSE the Drops help .
Get SteVVia for drops !!